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Minerals (compendium)

Mineral Resources - a collection of mineral reserves of mineral origin, which are already used or could be used in future human activities. In our time, used more than 200 kinds of minerals. Depending on the purpose of mineral resources is divided into three groups:

Fuel (energy) - are used to generate heat and light.

Metal (ore) - from which the melted metal (ferrous and nonferrous metals).

Non-metallic (non-metallic) - are used as raw material for chemical industry (muriate of potash, phosphates, sulfur), construction, and as industrial raw materials (asbestos, graphite, diamonds).

Mineral deposits are placed on earth is very uneven. This is explained by the peculiarities of the tectonic structure of the crust. To better understand the patterns of distribution of minerals on the tectonic map shows the area of continents (platforms and seismic belt).

Fuel and some non-metallic minerals of sedimentary origin formed as a result of centuries of accumulation of sedimentary rocks. Deposits of these minerals are most often found in sedimentary cover of ancient platforms and in the foredeep area of the ancient and the ancient folding. In the relief of these tectonic structures correspond to the plain (see physical map of the world).

Mining and chemical non-metallic minerals also tend to come from sedimentary origin.

metallic minerals, confined to the ancient Precambrian shields and platforms, folded regions of the crust. That is why the richest ore minerals are confined to the old low mountains, highlands and plateaus.

ferrous metals (iron, manganese) occur in the crust layers, forming a large area pools.

ferrous metals are deposited in the Earth distinctive zones. For example, copper and polymetallic ores are common in folded areas Cordillera - the Andes, tin ore - in the Pacific Rim.

presence of mineral resources is a good precondition for the economic development of any country.