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§ 60. Natural resources (textbook)

§ 60. Natural Resources


Recall, in which groups share the minerals for commercial purposes.


Complete and inexhaustible natural resources. The development of human society in all ever been associated with various natural resources. Wealth nature that a person uses in economic activity, called natural resources. Today, people use a huge amount of natural resources. This is primarily water, which is an integral part of her life. Plants are source of wood and food products. Deep Earth containing minerals, indispensable for development no industries. All natural resources are divided into two groups: comprehensive and inexhaustible.

Using exhaustible natural resourcesleads to reduction or complete disappearance. Renewable resources can be recovery and irreparable. Renewable Resources samovidnovlyuvatysya able in a relatively short time. These include water, soil, vegetation, fauna. For example, soil can slowly recover their fertility. However, excessive use of renewable resources can lead to loss of their ability samovidnovnoyi. It first applies to all flora and fauna. Yes, gone forever wild ox - tour. But now endangered bison appeared. Scientists had to make much effort to save him. ExtractionResources - Is such a comprehensive resources are not able to heal itself. These include minerals: oil, gas, coal, ore and non-metallic minerals. Minerals not restored, such as forest after felling. Their reserves in the ground limited. And updating is practically impossible, because the formation of minerals occurs over millions of years. This requires Berezhny and their economical use.

To inexhaustible Natural Resources include solar energy, wind power, vnutrishnozemne heat energy of tides. They considered inexhaustible because their use does not reduce inventories.

Problem completeness.Shortage of natural resources will soon bear the problem of lack of useful resources. Mineral deposits in the world produced a huge amount. Deposits of coal, iron, copper, zinc and other metals accumulated by nature for millions of years, used for decades. And yet the need for them growing. Thus, there may come a time when vysnazhatsya oil field coal, ores of various metals. According to the stocks currently known specialists oil in the world may be enough for about 50 years, and coal - 500.

To the future and have the natural resources, they must extract carefully and sparingly used. Now Possibilities reuse of resources, ie use of industrial and household waste.

Population and environment. Now scale human use of natural resources are very large. With each century along with the increase of population impact on nature increasing. In our time it has acquired such huge proportions that has become noticeable not only in some places, but generally on the Earth.

Using natural resources, the person creates a substance that has never been in a geographical shell. It interferes with the natural circuit. For example, burning huge amount of carbon dioxide increases contents dioxide in the atmosphere. But due to irrigation of deserts, creating reservoirs, use of groundwater water cycle is changing. Thus, geographical shell - it is also a region of interaction of nature and society. Inside it Human activities was the main factor of development. Therefore mankind in presently responsible for the further development of the planet. So each Earthman be aware that geographical cover - it is our habitat. From the air, water, forests, seas, useful signing. With its vulnerability to predatory extermination and earthly beauty. The future of this unique shell, we want it or not, affects us all

Studying geography, you see that it not only scientific  industry. Geography was part of the culture. Man you need a solid cultural understanding: the fate of humanity and nature are united. Land here is only one, we also residents of the planet, unique. Such understanding based on knowledge of the geographical integrity of the shell, the relationship all its components.

Fig. Swimming Phoenicians around Africa in Article VI. BC. e.


FAQ task

1. What is called natural resources?

2. How to share the natural resources for completeness?

3. What resources are inexhaustible called? Point examples.

4. What resources can recover, and what - not?

5. Why is there a need to protect nature?

6. Will change your perception of geography as science?