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The structure of the crust (compendium)

Earth - the only planet known so far, which thanks to the optimal amount of light and warmth is life. Our planet is not immediately after the formation was the same as now. Over the years (more than 4.5 billion years old) it goes a long way. From the shapeless clot of gas and dust was formed huge celestial body mass.

intensive internal processes of the Earth led to the formation basalt layer crust , the atmosphere and hydrosphere (doheolohichnyy stage).

next stage of development of the Earth - Geology. It marked the formation granite and sedimentary layers earth crust and appearance in the atmosphere necessary for living organisms nitrogen and oxygen. Geological time is divided into five er, each of which accounts for a certain stage of development of life and relief of the planet.

Earth consists of several layers: core, mantle, crust . Planet's crust is heterogeneous: its form sedimentary, granite, basalt rocks. The earth's crust varies from 10.7 km - in oceans and 30-40 km - in the plains, 80 km - in the mountains. In addition, ocean crust is not a layer of granite.

Throughout geologic history of Earth's surface is in constant motion. The formation of the earth's crust continues today. Divided breaks huge blocks of crust - lithospheric plates moving at speeds up to 10 cm per year. It is due to horizontal movement lithospheric plates formed the highest mountain ranges Himilayi, the Andes, Cordillera and Carpathians and Crimean mountains. Distinguish seven basic (African, Euroasian, Pacific, North American, South American, Indo-Australian, Nazca) and several small plates. There are places on the planet, where the movements of the earth's crust is particularly noticeable. In seismic zones in intense clashes or differences lithospheric plates, accompanied by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.