Established January 10, 1939
Area - 27,2 thousand square meters. km, 4,5% of Ukraine, 9 among its regions
administrative center - Zaporozhye
Territory - 330 kV. km
population of the city - 781,1 thousand people
number of districts - 20
Bridge - 14, including: the cities of regional subordination - 5
largest city area : Kiev, Melitopol, Berdyansk, Energodar.
Urban-type - 22
villages - 914
Number population - 1 815.1 thousand people (on 01/08/2009 was)
Population density - 66,8 inhabitants per 1 square. km
City : 1 393.1 thousand people
Agriculture : 422,0 thousand people
National warehouse : Ukrainian - 70,8%, Russians - 24,7%, Bulgarian - 1,4%, Belarusians - 0 7%
lies in southwestern Ukraine, bordering on the South Sea of Azov. Surface - plain weak shared with the general inclination of the Dnieper and Azov Sea. In the north-western region is the Dnieper Lowland (50 - 170 m), which passes south of the Black Sea Lowland (20 - 100 m), and the northeast - in the Azov Upland (to 324 m). Along the stretch long sandy spit. The region has rich deposits of ore minerals, including iron and manganese ores. Industrial significance deposits of building materials: gray and red granite Talko-magnesite, clay, limestone, sandstone. There are deposits of brown coal, graphite, kaolin. There is mud and mineral water. The climate is continental with dry, relatively cold winters (-5,4 ° in January) and hot dry summers (from 22,6 ° to 23,5 ° in July, the absolute maximum 45 °). Precipitation 350-470 mm per year, most precipitation in springO-year period. Rivers longer than 10 km - 78, the main one - the Dnieper. Its basin includes Horse and Gaichur to the Azov Sea basin - milk, Obytichna, Byrd. In the Region 846 ponds, 27 reservoirs, the reservoir of Kakhovskoe, 2800 artesian wells. Soils predominantly black (75% of the area) in the south - south, sometimes salty in the north - the usual black. In 10% of the area - mostly saline chestnut and dark brown (south and southwest). In flood rivers, kosah - saline soils. Natural steppe vegetation occupies 3-4% of the oblast. Forest area - 108 hectares, including 32.3 hectares - artificially planted (ash, maple, oak, poplar, locust, pine Crimea, hledychiya). Quite diverse wildlife - 226 species, including mammals - 24 birds - 150 species of amphibians - 8, reptiles - 8 fish - 36. Adverse natural phenomena: linear and plane jet wash, landslides along the Dnieper, marginal-denudcal processes on the banks Kakhovskoe reservoir, BP-prosadochni phenomenon in the plains ohleyennya and soil salinization, including secondary waterlogging and flooding of irrigated land, sea shores of attrition, and bone formation pour, dry winds and dust storms. Reclamation measures: planting shelterbelts, erosion work. In the 343 territories and objects protected areas, including national importance: a branch of natural reserves, 10 sanctuaries, 7 natural monuments, memorial park, garden art, regional landscape park, 3 protected woodlands.
Dnieper rapids area inhabited since the Stone Age. In IV. BC place Kamyanske settlement existed Scythian capital of a powerful kingdom. Then go to these lands nomadic tribes of Sarmatians, Huns, Avars, scars, Pechenegs Polovtsian. From the thirteenth century. Tatars settled here and the territory of the region fell under the power first Golden, and the Crimean khans. But in the XVI century. Khortytsya on the island, first Cossack Sich. Since then and until the end of XVII century. Cossacks steppes become an arena of struggle between the Ukrainian Cossacks and Tatars. After turning Zaporozhye lands of the Russian Empire and elimination Host on the bank of the Dnieper Alexandrovsk growing city (modern Zaporizhzhya). The territory was then divided between Katerinoslav and Taurian Province. New impetus Zaporozhian land received in the second half of XIX century. Formation Zaporozhian Industrial Zone was held with the active participation of Western, especially German kapitalu. Today the region has become one of the largest industrial centers of Ukraine, it created a strong metallurgical complex.