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Glossary of terms and a training course on world history class 10/11 (compendium)

authoritarianism (from Lat. Auctoritas - power, influence) - characteristic of specific types of undemocratic regimes based on the absolute power of one person or group of individuals while maintaining some economic, civil and religious freedoms for citizens.

Aggression - yakyyu use of force by a State first.

Anarchism - the social and political movements that deny the need for government and other advocates of political power and unlimited individual freedom.

annexation (Lat. ad nectere - connect) - the violent act of joining the state all or part of the territory of another state to unilaterally . Under international law annexation - a type of aggression and currently leads the international legal responsibility.

Anshlyus (German Anschlu

Genocide (from the Greek.

Declaration (from Lat. Declaro - claim) - official statement or normative document intended to inform policy makers.

Demilitarizing (Disarmament) - the elimination of military fortifications and installations in a particular area, and keep the ban in this area forces based on the agreement between the States (in international law).

Dictatorship (Latin dictatura) - form of government in which all the fullness of state power belongs to one person - a dictator under persons or one social stratum (the dictatorship of the proletariat ").

Expansion - extension of domination, influence, spreading something on the original boundary (territorial, economic, political E. ).

Investments - long-term investment in the economy to generate income.

Latyfundiya (Latin Latifundia) - in ancient Rome the name of the great estate of machined work slaves.

Majlis (Arabic

Militarization (arms) - the subordination of economics, politics and public life of the state military targets.

Nationalism - ideology and politics, based on an idea of exclusivity of national priorities and national superiority, the interpretation of the nation as a higher form of society .

Opposition - party or group that acts counter to the opinion of the majority or dominant thinking and puts forward an alternative policy, another way of solving problems.

Pan-Americanism - political doctrine, which is based on the idea of community history, economy and culture of the United States and other countries in the Americas .

plebiscite (Latin plebiscitum, from plebs - the common people and scitum - decision, decision) - survey of how rule to determine the fate of the territory. In some countries (eg France) is considered synonymous with the referendum. From the formal legal point of view and the referendum procedure P. match.

Ratification (ratificatio from Latin ratus - solved approved facere - to do) - the process of validation (such , contract) its approval by the appropriate authority of each party. By ratifying this document, usually void and not binding on the parties unratified.

repair (from Lat. reparatio - recovery) - a form of financial responsibility subject of international law for damage caused in result of international offenses committed by him to another subject of international law, including state reimbursement under the peace treaty or other international acts of damage to their states that were attacked. The scope and nature of reparations must be determined by the material damage inflicted (principle of proportionality). Payment of reparations may take the form of cash or other material compensation or as a simultaneous restitution and damages.

separate peace - a peace treaty concluded by one belligerent with coalition members without the knowledge and consent of the allies.

Totalitarianism (from Lat. totalis - whole, whole, complete, Lat. Totalitas - wholeness, completeness) - political regime, which wants to complete (total) state control over all aspects of the life of society. In comparative politics in the totalitarian model theory is understood that fascism, Stalinism, and perhaps some other kinds of systems are one system - totalitarianism.