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QUESTIONS: European countries in 1815-1847.
Which political party is in power in Britain in the years 1830-1841?
- Tories
- Whigs
Answer: b
Which states were formed in Europe over the period 1815-1847 he was?
- Poland
- Belgium
- Albania
- Greece
Answer: b, d
Board of Queen Victoria began in
- 1830
- 1832
- 1835
- 1837
Answer: d
Against which country started the French aggression in 1830?
- Morocco
- Algeria
- Tunisia
Answer: b
After the restoration of the authority of the royal Bourbon dynasty in France established
- limited monarchy
- absolute monarchy
- republic
Answer: a
Vaslidok the July Revolution of 1830 took the French throne
- Louis-Philippe of Orléans
- Charles X
- Louis XVIII
- Napoleon III
Answer: a
In the Russian province which broke the rebellion 1830-1831 biennium?
- Finland
- Poland
- Bessarabia
Answer: b
Kim was headed in 1837 created a secret society''Four Seasons''in France?
- L.-O. Form
- L. Blanc
- A. Marrast
- O. Barrot
Answer: a
In 1801-1825 he was the Russian Emperor
- Paul I
- Alexander I
- Nicholas
- Alexander II
Answer: b
When the speech on the Senate Decembrists Square in St. Petersburg?
- December 1, 1824
- December 14, 1825
- December 29, 1825
- December 29, 1826
Answer: b
Slavophilism founders of the Russian empires considered
- T. Hrapovskyy, I. Papayev, B. Botkin
- A. Herzen, M. Ogarevo, V. Belinsky
- A. hamsters, P. Kireyevskyy, take Aksakova
- Kostomarov M., Kulish, M. Gulak
Answer: c
Community-based''theory''developed socialism
- A. Herzen
- T. Hrapovskyy
- M. Butashevych-Petrashevskyy
- P. Chaadaev
Answer: a