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Paul said Chubinskogo

Music Michael Verbitsky

Ukraine has not perished and honor, and liberty.

us, fellow smile fate.

Our enemies will vanish, like dew in the sun.

and we shall rule, brothers, in a.

souls and bodies, we'll lay our freedom,

and prove that we brothers are of Kozak kin.

condition brothers in a bloody battle from Sian to the Don,

in his native land will not let anyone dominate;

Black Sea will smile and grandfather Dnipro will rejoice,

Yet in our Ukraine luck will be high.

souls and bodies, we'll lay our freedom,

and prove that we brothers are of Kozak kin.

Our persistence, our sincere even finish telling her,

yet Xia detention in Ukraine rozlyazhe noisy songs,

vidob'yetsya the Carpathians, steppes,

Ukraine glory will be among the people.

souls and bodies, we'll lay our freedom,

and prove that we brothers are of Kozak kin.