🚚 🚁 Збираємо на пікап та ремонт дрона аутел

⛑ 🛡 🥾 Шоломи, форма, взуття

QUESTIONS: Asia, Africa and Latin America

When was the memorandum of General Tanaka?

  1. In 1925
  2. In 1926,
  3. In 1927
  4. In 1928
Answer: c

"Chakskoyu war" referred to the armed conflict between

  1. Peru and Ecuador
  2. Bolivia and Paraguay
  3. Colombia and Peru
Answer: b

Under the slogan that Japan rozhortala aggression in the Asia-Pacific region?

  1. "Asia for Asia"
  2. "New Order"
  3. "Empire on which would not sunset"
Answer: a

Civil war between Communists and Homindanom began in

  1. 1925
  2. 1927
  3. 1934
Answer: b

Which country in the 20-30-years of the twentieth century. had colonial possessions in Africa?

  1. England and France
  2. England, France, Belgium
  3. England, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain
  4. England, France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal
Answer: c

The main force of the national liberation struggle in India was

  1. Communist Party
  2. Indian National Congress
  3. Muslim League
Answer: b

When an "salt march"?

  1. In 1919
  2. In 1930
  3. In 1939
Answer: b

Italian aggression against Ethiopia was held in

  1. 1925
  2. 1935-1936 biennium
  3. 1939
Answer: b

In managed areas in the Near East England won the League of Nations mandate?

  1. Iraq, Palestine, Transjordan
  2. Egypt, Palestine
  3. Syria, Lebanon
Answer: a

Turkey was proclaimed a republic in

  1. 1919
  2. 1923
  3. 1924
Answer: b

In what year was Pehlevi Reza Shah of Iran?

  1. 1922
  2. 1924
  3. 1925
Answer: c

When it was proclaimed Foxtail?

  1. 1917
  2. 1918
  3. 1921
Answer: a