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QUESTIONS: Countries in Africa

Which country was the colonial name of French Sudan?

  1. Sudan
  2. Mali
  3. Tanzania
  4. Namibia
  5. Zambia
Answer: b

When it was formed Organization of African Unity (OAU)?

  1. May 1963?
  2. May 1964?
  3. May 1967?
  4. May 1969?
Answer: a

When countries and between which the military conflict was "Sandy War?

  1. 1963-1964 biennium
  2. From 1975-1976
  3. 1977-1983 biennium
  4. Somalia and Ethiopia
  5. Libya and Chad
  6. Morocco and Algeria
Answer: a, f

In what year and country of the OAU Assembly adopted a resolution on the inviolability of the borders of African states?

  1. 1963
  2. 1964
  3. 1965
  4. 1967
  5. Ethiopia
  6. Egypt
  7. Algeria
Answer: b, f

In which country was the overthrow of the monarchy in 1974?

  1. Libya
  2. Sudan
  3. Ethiopia
  4. Egypt
Answer: c

In what year and where was established the African Union?

  1. 1963
  2. 1986
  3. 2002
  4. Durban
  5. Cape Town
  6. Pretoria
Answer: c, d