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QUESTIONS: European countries in 1815-1847.

Which political party is in power in Britain in the years 1830-1841?

  1. Tories
  2. Whigs
Answer: b

Which states were formed in Europe over the period 1815-1847 he was?

  1. Poland
  2. Belgium
  3. Albania
  4. Greece
Answer: b, d

Board of Queen Victoria began in

  1. 1830
  2. 1832
  3. 1835
  4. 1837
Answer: d

Against which country started the French aggression in 1830?

  1. Morocco
  2. Algeria
  3. Tunisia
Answer: b

After the restoration of the authority of the royal Bourbon dynasty in France established

  1. limited monarchy
  2. absolute monarchy
  3. republic
Answer: a

Vaslidok the July Revolution of 1830 took the French throne

  1. Louis-Philippe of Orléans
  2. Charles X
  3. Louis XVIII
  4. Napoleon III
Answer: a

In the Russian province which broke the rebellion 1830-1831 biennium?

  1. Finland
  2. Poland
  3. Bessarabia
Answer: b

Kim was headed in 1837 created a secret society''Four Seasons''in France?

  1. L.-O. Form
  2. L. Blanc
  3. A. Marrast
  4. O. Barrot
Answer: a

In 1801-1825 he was the Russian Emperor

  1. Paul I
  2. Alexander I
  3. Nicholas
  4. Alexander II
Answer: b

When the speech on the Senate Decembrists Square in St. Petersburg?

  1. December 1, 1824
  2. December 14, 1825
  3. December 29, 1825
  4. December 29, 1826
Answer: b

Slavophilism founders of the Russian empires considered

  1. T. Hrapovskyy, I. Papayev, B. Botkin
  2. A. Herzen, M. Ogarevo, V. Belinsky
  3. A. hamsters, P. Kireyevskyy, take Aksakova
  4. Kostomarov M., Kulish, M. Gulak
Answer: c

Community-based''theory''developed socialism

  1. A. Herzen
  2. T. Hrapovskyy
  3. M. Butashevych-Petrashevskyy
  4. P. Chaadaev
Answer: a