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Agroclimatic resources. Types of winter (compendium)

Agroclimatic resources - the ratio of heat, moisture, light needed for growing crops. They are determined by the geographical location of territory within the climatic zones and natural areas. Agroclimatic resources characterize the three indicators:

sum of active air temperature (the sum of daily temperatures above 10 ° C) to facilitate the rapid development of plants.

period with active temperature (growing season), during which temperatures are favorable for plant growth. Distinguish between short and long periods sredneprodolzhitelny vegetation.

Availability plant moisture (determined by the coefficient of moisture).

dampening factor - determined by the ratio of heat and moisture in a certain area and is calculated as the ratio of annual precipitation to potential evapotranspiration. The higher the temperature, the greater volatility and, consequently, lower the humidity. The lower the humidity, the drier climate.

heat distribution and precipitation around the globe depends on the latitudinal zonation and altitudinal zonation. Therefore, by the provision of agro-climatic resources on Earth emit agro-climatic zones, sub-belts and zones of moisture. On the plains they have the latitudinal location and in the mountains varies with altitude. For each agro-climatic zone and sub-belt are examples of typical crops, specifying the duration of their growing season. Map "Agroclimatic Resources completed map" Types of winter. " She will describe the prerequisites of development and specialization of agriculture of the world.

variety of agroclimatic resources depends on geographic location. These resources are inexhaustible, but their quality can vary with climate change and influenced by human activity.