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Employment in agriculture, forestry, fishery and industrial sectors of the economy (compendium)

Employment in selected sectors of the economy is defined as a percentage of the economically active population (employees), which represented part of the workforce directly employed in social production. In most economically developed countries in the working-age population includes people who have reached 15 years. In developing countries, this boundary is lowered to 12-14 years in some African countries - even before the age of six.

employment structure reflects the structure of agriculture and the socio-economic development. The main trend in the global structure of employment is to increase the number of people employed in service industries by reducing the share of employed in material production. In place of the agrarian and industrial age comes a post-industrial, which is characterized by ever-increasing role of non-productive sphere and its transformation into a major world economy.

In developed countries the share of population employed in industrial sectors, ranging from 35 to 40%, while the number working in agriculture and adjacent areas is constantly decreasing (5-20%). At the same time, the number of people employed in non-manufacturing sector, especially in trade, finance, banking and management activities reaches 50%, and in the Big Eight - 70%.

In most developing countries in the employment structure considerably exceeds the share of agriculture is less than before the service sector, even less - the industrial sector. This is due to the nature of the agrarian economy and low productivity in agriculture, which develops mainly through extensive, as well as the predominance of small-scale trading.

In the wealthy oil-exporting countries, prosperous resort island countries and newly industrialized countries, employment structure is the same as in developed countries (up to 70% of workers employed in services).

in post-socialist countries in the industries employing up to 40% in agriculture and adjacent areas - up to 20% of workers. In the non-productive sector employs about 30%, but in contrast to developed countries where most work in schools, healthcare and culture. At that time, as banking, retail and management skills are in the formative stage. Thus, the structure of employment can be considered a key indicator of the level of development of the country and used in its characterization.