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QUESTIONS: Ukrainian culture first half of the nineteenth century.

How many universities exist in the Ukrainian lands in the first half of the nineteenth century.?

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
Answer: c

Who was the author of collections of "Little Russian songs, Ukrainian folk songs, enjoyed by contemporary Russian and Ukrainian intelligentsia?

  1. I. Kotliarevsky
  2. M. Maksimovich
  3. M. Certelev
  4. Shevchenko
Answer: b

What year came the first edition of "Poet" Shevchenko?

  1. 1836
  2. 1840
  3. 1847
  4. 1861
Answer: b

Who was the first to live a literary work written in Ukrainian folk?

  1. I. Kotliarevsky
  2. P.Hulak-Artemovsky
  3. H.Kvitka-Osnovianenko
  4. Shevchenko
Answer: a

What style of architecture prevalent in Ukraine the first half of the nineteenth century.?

  1. Baroque
  2. Rococo
  3. Classicism
  4. Modern
Answer: c

Who of Ukrainian mathematicians began Petersburg mathematical school?

  1. M. Ostrogradsky
  2. T. Osypovskyi
  3. M. Kostomarov
  4. M. Maksimovich
Answer: a