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QUESTIONS: American Countries
The first Governor of Canada, which had a Canadian origin, was
- Saint Laurent
- Messi
- Clark
Answer: b
When adopted the Act of Canada "and" deed of constitution?
- Spring 1967
- Spring 1980
- Spring 1982
Answer: c
In which years were held referendums on independence of Quebec?
- 1967
- 1980
- 1982
- 1995
Answer: b, d
Which countries are members of the international organization of NAFTA?
- U.S.
- Canada
- Brazil
- Argentina
- Mexico
Answer: a, b, e
Rivalry between the two superpowers which led to the "cold war"?
- U.S.
- China
- Great Britain
- Japan
Answer: a, b
Who was U.S. president in 1945-1952 years?
- Truman
- Kennedy
- Nixon
- Reagan
Answer: a
Which U.S. cities held massive racial riots in years 1964-1969?
- Boston
- Buffalo
- Philadelphia
- Anchorage
- Las Vegas
- New York
Answer: a, b, c, f
Who was the acknowledged leader of Negro population in the U.S. fight against racial discrimination?
- Johnson
- King
- Kennedy
- Dyfenbeyker
Answer: b
In what year and under the rule which the U.S. president won the war with Iraq to liberate Kuwait (Operation Desert Storm)?
- 2003
- 1991
- 1992
- Reagan
- Bush
- Bush Jr.
Answer: b, e
When the Cuban revolution took place and who headed?
- February 3, 1952
- December 2, 1956
- January 1, 1959
- Che Guevara
- Castro
- Batista
Answer: c, e
In what year and between which countries there was an armed conflict, titled the "Soccer War"?
- 1969
- 1982
- 1995
- Ecuador - Peru
- El Salvador - Honduras
- Argentina - UK
Answer: a, e