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QUESTIONS: Medieval Society
Accommodation feudal lords.
- lock
- cottage
- palace
Answer: a
A brief statement explaining the content of the coat of arms knight?
- sentence
- motto
- aphorism
Answer: b
Payment of money or food is called feudal peasant
- boon
- servage
- banalitet
- gild
Answer: b
Type of economy, in which the products of labor are made only to meet the owner, and not for sale
- natural economy
- market economy.
Answer: a
As the main castle tower called?
- donzhon
- Town Hall
- belfry
Answer: a
What is the main cause of peasant uprisings in the Middle Ages?
- Exploitation of feudal peasants
- violation of established traditions of feudal
- desire of farmers to get rid of any dependence
- unresolved land issues between the peasant and feudal
- envy on the life of feudal peasants
Answer: b
What layer of medieval society was the most numerous?
- free peasants
- dependent farmers
Answer: b
Which states medieval society pay tithe?
- feudal
- priests
- peasants
Answer: c
In the Middle Ages knights called
- armed peasant
- Turf Warrior
- powerful feudal
Answer: b
What should produce apprentice in order to become tradesmen?
- masterpiece
- emblem of his shop
- gifts to all the masters workshop
Answer: a
At union called apprentices
- shop
- guild
- fraternity.
Answer: c
What is the name of a city of self?
- Magdeburg law
- Roman law
- independence
Answer: a