🚚 🚁 Збираємо на пікап та ремонт дрона аутел
⛑ 🛡 🥾 Шоломи, форма, взуття
What is the composition of air?
- 21% nitrogen, 78% oxygen, 1% other gases
- 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% other gases
- 78% nitrogen, 1% oxygen, 21% other gases
- 1% nitrogen, 78% oxygen, 21% other gases
Answer: b
In what layer of atmosphere is the ozone layer?
- Troposphere
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
- Thermosphere
Answer: b
How does air temperature within the troposphere?
- Virtually unchanged
- Increases by 0,6 ° for every 100 m rise up
- Increases by 1 degree for every 100 m rise up
- Reduced to 0,6 ° for every 100 m rise up
Answer: d
When overnight temperature is the lowest?
- Immediately after sunset
- At midnight
- Before sunrise
Answer: c
What is the typical wind direction breeze?
- Clock from the sea to dry land
- Clock from land to sea
- During the day - from the sea on land at night - on the contrary
- Day - from the sea on dry ground in the afternoon - on the contrary
Answer: c
What is called the saturated air?
- In a couple starts to condense on cold objects
- Containing the maximum possible for the given temperature of water vapor
- In a rare start to be formed Air
- In a solid start to be formed Air
Answer: b
Why on the shores of Scandinavia grow mixed forests, while in Greenland at the same latitude - bahatokilometrova ice thickness?
- Cold Labradorska flow cools the climate of Greenland
- Warm North Atlantic current air warms the coast of Scandinavia
- Greenland is closer to the North Magnetic Pole
- Greenland is larger than the area of Scandinavia
Answer: b
As called climate with cold winters, hot summers and relatively little rain?
- Sea
- Moderate
- Continental
- Tropical
Answer: c
What type of climate is typical for most of the territory of Ukraine?
- Sharp continental
- Moderately continental
- Continental
- Sea
Answer: b
What metrics are the basic characteristics of weather?
- Temperature, atmospheric pressure
- Transparency and clean air
- Speed, strength and direction of wind
- Humidity, cloudiness and precipitation
Answer: a, c, d
Which of the factors is decisive in shaping the climate of a certain area?
- Geographic areas
- Geographic areas
- Moving air masses
- Character pidstelyayuchoyi surface
Answer: b, c, d
What is the impact on the climate of coastal cold currents?
- Contribute to the formation of deserts
- Help the excessive moisture of the coastal areas
- Practically have no influence
- Causes moderate precipitation during the year
Answer: a