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Trade and personal services. Health (compendium)

main purpose of health care - disease prevention and treatment of people. Although the level of provision of doctors in Ukraine - one of the highest in the world, poor financial status institutions, slow implementation of health insurance, the general low standard of living adversely affect the situation in the field.

today provided the best health care and medical staff Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Lviv, Chernihiv region. In Volyn, Zhytomyr, Transcarpathian regions similar rates twice lower. Is extremely poor medical care in remote rural areas where the population is dominated by older people and medical facilities are not very necessary.

important part of the social sector in Ukraine is personal services. To timely and properly repair the appliances, car or make a good haircut in hairdressers are also better equipped residents of the capital and major cities. Living in villages and small towns are just beginning to get used to civilization. Significant development recently acquired facility with retail and restaurant facilities. At the time of planned economy, this area was very poorly developed, so for now, trade and restaurant business is most profitable and then here aimed largest influx of investments.

Given that the profitability of trade and restaurant business is very dependent on the availability of effective consumer, of course, that these objects most prevalent in large cities, tourist and recreation areas. However, objects of trade and catering is available today in virtually every village.