🚚 🚁 Збираємо на пікап та ремонт дрона аутел

⛑ 🛡 🥾 Шоломи, форма, взуття


Established June 3, 1938

Area - 26,7 thousand square meters. km, 4,4% of Ukraine, 10 among its regions

administrative center - Lugansk

Territory - 284 square meters. km

Population City - 503,0 thousand people

number of districts - 18

Bridge - 37, including the cities of regional subordination - 14

largest city area : Lugansk, Severodonetsk, Alchevsk, Lisichansk, Krasny Luch, Stakhanov, Sverdlovsk

Urban-type - 109

villages - 782

Population - 2 320.0 thousand people (on 01/08/2009 was)

Population density - 86,9 inhabitants per 1 square. km

City : 2 009.3 thousand people

Agriculture : 310,7 thousand people

National Structure : Ukrainian - 58%, Russians - 39%, Belarusians - 0,8%


lies in eastern Ukraine in the basin of the Seversky Donets. North of the region - polohohvylyasta Lesova plain (120-240 m, spurs Serednoruskoyi high, dissected by river valleys, ravines and gullies), South - wavy, uvalysta, platopodibna Lesova plain, very divided river valleys and steep gorges (Donetsk height - 200 -250 m highest point of the entire left-bank Ukraine - G. Tomb-Mechetnia, 367 m). The relief is complicated by the domes, mane, locks and man-made forms - waste banks, quarries, mounds. The region is rich in coal: coke, dovhopolumenyste, gas (part of the Donetsk coal basin). There are deposits of natural gas, construction materials: marl, chalk, flux limestone, sandstone, clay. Open mineral springs. The climate is continental with dry hot summers (21 °, 22 ° in July) and winter cold (-7 °, -8 ° in January). Precipitation 400-500 mm year, 70% of rainfall in the warm season. The region has about 120 rivers, 6 longer than 100 km. Main river - the Seversky Donets (265 km in the region) with its tributaries: Aydar, Derkul, red (left), Luhannyu, Great Kam'yanka (right). In the south, the Mius flowing from tributaries. In the region of about 60 lakes, 60 reservoirs, 298 ponds. Soils - mostly ordinary black (81% of the area), greensward schebenyuvati erodibility of 50-80% in the valley Seversky Donets - black, greensward sandy soil (erodibility 54-64%). Forests cover 8.6% of the territory. Little natural forest, most of them stands. There are gullies woods (oak, ash, maple, elm, pear, apple), flood (alder, aspen, poplar, willow) and platoes (oak, ash, maple, pear). Area shelter bands 20.5 hectares (acacia, oak, maple, etc.).. Fauna poor. There are about 250 species of birds, 60 - mammals, 9 - and 47 reptiles - fish. Modern negative natural processes: linear and plane jetand washed away, landslides, wind erosion, salinization, silting of rivers. In 80-90% of the coal the intensive denudation and erosion processes. Reclamation measures: planting greenbelts lanes, creating erosion ponds vodozatrymuvalnyh shaft zaterasovuvannya slopes, reclamation of land. In the 124 territories and objects protected areas, including national importance: the nature reserve, reserve, 2 natural monuments, 2 park monuments of landscape architecture and 15 natural reserves.


During the Copper and Bronze Age land inhabited by pastoral-agricultural tribes. Found numerous attractions Scythian-Sarmatian time (VII cent. BC. BC - III century. BCE.). Since X century. Donetsk of land was under the influence of the Kievan Rus, but living here, mostly nomadic tribes. In the XIII century. these lands captured Mongol-Tatars. At the end of the XV - beginning of XVI century started developing the Donetsk steppe Cossacks. More intensive land settlement began in the XVII century. The leading role belongs to the Cossacks in the development of land north of the Seversky Donets River, which were called Sloboda Ukraine. In the first quarter of XVIII century. here has begun to use coal. In 1795 began construction of Lugansk foundry plant, whose needs were mine coal in Fox buyeratsi (today Lisichansk). In 1795 in place modern Luhansk was founded gun-foundry, which had to ensure the needs of the Black Sea Fleet. The Plant was established village called Village Luhansk factory. In 1882 together with the adjacent settlement of Broad Stone joined them and turned the city of Luhansk. In June 1938 Voroshilovgradsky region was formed, and 1990 it was renamed in Luhansk region.