🚚 🚁 Збираємо на пікап та ремонт дрона аутел

⛑ 🛡 🥾 Шоломи, форма, взуття


Established December 4, 1939

Area - 21,8 thousand square meters. km, 3,6% of Ukraine, 17 among its regions

administrative center - Lviv

Territory - 155 square meters. km

Population City - 735,0 thousand people

Number Administrative areas - 20

Bridge - 44, including the cities of regional subordination - 9

Top City region : Lviv, Stry, Chervonohrad, lived in Borislav, Sambor, Truskavets New Section

settlements City type - 34

Rural settlements - 1850

Number population - 2 549.9 thousand people (on 01/08/2009 was)

Density population - 117 persons per 1 sq. km. km

City : 1 545.9 thousand people

Agriculture : 1 003.9 thousand people

National Structure : Ukrainian - 94,8%, Russians - 3,6%, Polish - 0,7%


lies in the western basins in the upper course of the Western Bug and Dniester. The surface of the southern mountain region of the Dividing Range (g Pikui, 1408 m), Verkhnyo (750 m) and Skole (g Parashka, 1268 m). North of the mountain pass in the Carpathian Mountains on high, terraced into the valley of the Dniester, and horbohir'ya - in the bore (397 m). Next - Holohory (g Kamula, 471 m) and Monastery (440 m) pass into the low-lying surfaces of small Polese and Verhnosanskoyi plains. In the extreme northeast - Volyn Upland. The region rich in natural resources - oil, natural gas (hazonosna Carpathian region), coal (Lviv-Volyn coal basin) and peat. There are deposits of potash and rock salt, sulfur, mineral waters and mud. The climate is continental with relatively warm winters (-3,9 ° in January), with frequent thaws and warm coolm in summer (18,2 °, 18,7 ° in July), with lots of cloudy and rainy days. In the Carpathians: -6,6 ° in January, 16,0 ° in July. Precipitation in small Polesie 640-740 mm in the Carpathians - to 1 000 mm per year. The highest rainfall (60%) in May - September. Torrential rains in the Carpathians lead to catastrophic floods. Many rivers - 8 950, 216 of them over 10 miles long. Main River - tributaries of the Dniester Bystrica Stry Candle - belong to the Black Sea. Western Bug with Poltva, Rato and cherry - the Baltic Sea basin. There are many small lakes and artificial reservoirs 1200. On the territory of the main European watershed. Among the zonal soil types dominated forest gray, dark gray-ashed in the northeastern part - black, in the Carpathians - brown. In river valleys - meadow, meadow marsh, and marsh soils greensward. A quarter of the area occupied platyphyllous, mixed and coniferous forests: the North - pine-oak, on Roztochchia - beech-cbasis and hornbeam-beech on Podolski hill - oak and beech and hornbeam-oak, in the Carpathians - oak and beech-fir. Fauna has 340 species, including mammals - 75 species of birds - 199 species of amphibians - 15 fish - 47. Among the common adverse natural processes: wetlands, swamp, linear and areal erosion, weathering, karst areas in the occurrence of limestone and gypsum, in the mountains - erosion processes, weathering, landslides, obvalyuvannya, scree, sufoziya. Reclamation: anti-erosion measures, reforestation, contour farming. In the 332 territories and objects protected areas, including national importance: the nature reserve, two national parks, 9 nature reserves, 2 natural monuments, 2 botanical gardens, 2 Dendra Parks, 6 parks, monuments landscape architecture, 3 regional landscape parks, 48 natural reserves.


first human settlement in the region belong to the late Paleolithic era. Archaeological finds near. Vysots'ke (Brody district) gave the name "Vysotsky culture. In 1199 Lviv (Galicia) was attached to Prince Roman of Volhynia Mstyslavych. Prince and his son Daniel strengthened Galicia-Volyn principality, founded many new cities. Then founded city of Lvov was named after the son of Prince Daniel Romanovich Galician. After the collapse of Galician principality of land annexed to Poland (1349), and in 1772 they went to Austria. After the collapse of Austria-Hungary in eastern Galicia was proclaimed West Ukrainian National Republic (1918). Shortly Region was occupied Poland. During the interwar period, World land has become one of the centers of national liberation struggle of Ukrainian people. In World War II here formed part of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which defended the idea independentlyawns Ukraine. In Ukraine gained independence in 1991 Lviv Region has played a leading role.