🚚 🚁 Збираємо на пікап та ремонт дрона аутел

⛑ 🛡 🥾 Шоломи, форма, взуття

QUESTIONS: Ukrainian SSR under the New Economic Policy (1920-1928).

In what was basically finished rebuilding industry SSR?

  1. 1923
  2. 1925
  3. 1926
  4. 1927
Answer: b

In the field of national politics XII Congress of the RCP (b) declared to rate:

  1. indigenization
  2. Ukrainization
  3. nationalization
  4. privatization
Answer: a

What was the official state status of Ukraine in the early 20's:

  1. independent state
  2. autonomy within a federated Russia
  3. independent state, which has military and political alliance with other Soviet republics
  4. region of Russia
Answer: a

What international organization has provided assistance to Ukraine during the famine in 1921-1922?

  1. League of Nations
  2. Pomhol (help starving)
  3. APA (American organization of care)
Answer: c

Which of these rebel leaders led by lower anti-Soviet insurgency in Ukraine in 1921?

  1. Grigor `ev
  2. Makhno
  3. Tyutyunnik
  4. Green
  5. Orlik
  6. Mordalevych
  7. Struk
Answer: b

Established in 1922 in Kiev theater Berezil headed

  1. L. Kurbas
  2. G. Rope
  3. George H.
Answer: a

Soviet Ukraine has signed the first peace treaty with

  1. Latvia
  2. Lithuania
  3. Estonia
  4. Poland
  5. Turkey
Answer: d

National-communist views and O. Shumsky Volobuev leadership of the Bolshevik Party

  1. supported
  2. condemned
  3. ignored
Answer: b

The first and most important measure was the replacement of the NEP

  1. prodpodatku prodrozkladkoyu
  2. prodrozkladky prodpodatkom
  3. cleansing of the party
Answer: b

What was launched ukrainization?

  1. 1921
  2. 1922
  3. 1923
Answer: c

The peasant insurgent movement against the policies of the Bolsheviks was largely suppressed in the ...

  1. 1921
  2. 1922
  3. 1923
Answer: a

SSR was incorporated into the USSR in the ...

  1. 1921
  2. 1922
  3. 1923
Answer: b