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QUESTIONS: Ukraine in the Great Patriotic War (June 1941-November 1942)
When the plan was signed attack on the USSR, which was named "Barbarossa"?
- In December 1939
- In December 1940
- In March 1941
Answer: b
Nazi Germany attacked the USSR suddenly
- September 1, 1939 p
- December 22, 1940
- June 22, 1941
Answer: c
Forces are the army in January 1942 was carried out the attack to return to Kharkov?
- 6 Army
- 12 Army
- 21 th Army
- 44 Army
- 55-Army
- 58 Army
Answer: a, b, c, f
Which front commander Michael Kyrponosa?
- Bryansk
- Southern
- North Caucasian
- South West
Answer: d
City, which Soviet troops in August 1942 left the latter is
- Mariupol
- Sverdlovsk
- Kharkiv
- Sevastopol
- Amounts
Answer: b
Battle for Stalingrad during the period there were
- August - November 1942
- November - December 1942
- December 1942 - January 1943
- October - November 1942
Answer: a
In June 1941 the Army Group "South" opposed the war
- Kharkov Military District
- Kiev special districts
- Odessa Military District
Answer: b, c
Army which countries (except Germany) participated in the invasion of Ukraine?
- Italy
- Hungary
- Romania
Answer: b, c