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Countries Europe (compendium)

Today, 25 countries of Europe are the European Union - one of the biggest political and economic centers in the world.

countries of the region divided into highly developed states (mostly Western Europe) and transition countries (former Soviet republics and former socialist states).

The level of economic development in Europe is the undisputed leader of Germany (the third after the U.S. and Japan in the world). This state together with France and other European countries - members of the Group of Seven - is the core of the EU. In Germany, almost all developed industry and agriculture. But is the leading high-tech engineering and metalworking, production of consumer electronics, metallurgy, chemical industry, etc.. Germany is the first in terms of export countries, and the number of produced cars behind only Japan and the USA. France's position is particularly strong in the aerospace industry, machine building, creation of modern communication systems. In addition, France is the European leader in agricultural production. For all the highly developed European countries is characterized by a significant share of employment in non-production sphere ( credit and financial, travel, home field, etc.).

Among countries with economies in transition (which belongs to Ukraine) allocated Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, the Baltic countries. These states due to the rapid transformation of their economies and implement democratic reforms made significant progress in coming closer to European standards. Less success in promoting democracy and prosperity to reach Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus. And countries such as Albania and Moldova at the level of economic development belong to the poorest countries in Europe.

It is necessary to highlight Russia, the smaller part of whose territory lies in Europe. This state has a huge economic and natural resource potential and have recently achieved significant economic success. And Russia exports only 7-10% consists of finished products, the rest - a primary products or raw material processing. Thus, Russia's economy is heavily dependent on fluctuations in world prices for gas and especially oil.

general, most European countries aim to build societies based on democracy and the full integration of their economies to the global economy.