QUESTIONS: Hetman Pavlo Konashevych-Sahaidachny. Ukrainian Cossacks in the first quarter of the XVII century.
What period is called the "heroic era of campaigns?
Revolt 1591-1596 biennium, when the liberated territories zaprovadzhuvavsya Cossack System
Successful sea trips Cossacks to the Turkish-Tatar fortress in the first two decades of the XVII century., Which was released as a result hundreds of thousands of slaves
Answer: b
In what years Hetman Petro-Konashevich Sagaidachnogo?
Are 90 years of the XVI century.
In the first decades of the XVII century.
Answer: b
As the Cossacks called their boats on which they paid trips to the possession of the Ottoman Empire?
Answer: b
What a memorable year of 1620 and in Ukraine's history?
The Kiev Brotherhood and Cossacks led by P.Konashevychem Sahaidachny-restored church hierarchy
A hike P. Konashevich-Sagaidachnogo to Moscow, which was intended to help the prince Vladislavove
Answer: a
Where was located the largest nevilnytskyy market in the Crimea, whither his victorious march Hetman P. Konashevych-Sahaidachny?
In Hotine
In Kaffa
In Iasi
Answer: b
As a result of the events was signed Deulinske truce between Muscovy and the Commonwealth?
As a result Khotyn war
Due to hike the Polish Prince Wladyslaw with Hetman Sahaidachny to Moscow
Answer: b
What on earth Deulinskym truce between Muscovy and the Commonwealth ceded to Poland at 14, 5 years?
Smolensk and Chernigov-Siverschyna
Kiev region, Volyn and Bratslavshchina
Answer: a
Which country were subordinated to the fortress, against which directed their sea trips Cossacks in an era of heroic journeys?
Ottoman Empire
Answer: a
What event listed below is linked to Peter Konashevych-Sahaidachny?
The introduction of the Registered Cossack troops
Introduction to the Kyiv Zaporizhia Army Fellowship
Answer: b
What army were enemies in war Khotyn?
Polish army, reinforced by 40 thousand Cossack army, Turkish and Tatar army
Polish army, reinforced by 40 thousand Cossack army, and Muscovite-Tatar army
Answer: a
He played a crucial role in the victory of the Commonwealth in Khotyn war?
Forces of the Commonwealth, led by Crown Lithuanian Hetman Chodkiewicz Charles
Cossack troops, headed by Peter Konashevych-Sahaidachny
Answer: b
What were the consequences Khotyn war?
The Ottoman Empire lost considerable territory, including lands of the Crimean Khanate and the Danube countries - Moldavia, Wallachia, Transylvania
Poland withdrew the threat of losing huge territory. The battle resulted in strengthening of the liberation struggle of peoples conquered by the Turks