Education Kiev.
Key issues
- What need a man education?
- Why the government cares educated citizens?
- What are the stages of education Kiev can be identified?
- That schools, education in general changes and what remains in the VI during the same? Why?
You usually 5 days a week go to school. All. And so - as many as 12 years. It is absolutely normal usual. Think differently and can not be. In fact, it was not always.
Now in Kiev more than 500 schools. The vast majority of them - the public, although there are also private. But regardless of ownership in all learning takes place by one and the same programs used the same textbooks. And this also seems completely natural. But it was not always. Secondary education - property XXArt. In Ukraine, as a 10-year education was introduced only in the 70's, and the transition to 12-year study carried out now. A modern type of school appeared in the early XIXArt.
You know that new school year begins September 1 and will always break, and not alone. So was also not always.
Source 1
(A) From "Instructions Vladimir Monomakh children, beginning XIIArt.
"But when something good know how –did not forget and do not know how –then that uchites, as well as my father. At home sitting, he managed to know five languages, – by CE and honor from the other ay edges. Laziness is – all [evil] have: that [person] can – forget that, as Why then can not – he did not learn. "
(B) From the "Tale of Bygone Years"
Prince Vladimir after the baptism of Rus'? Began to prominent people in the children and give them to literary science; mother is crying for children them, because they have not yet established in the faith; – mourned them as dead ... "
Us consider
- As called for his sons W. monomials? Who and what makes for example?
- How do you understand the phrase about the prince of laziness? Do you agree with him. Justify.
- Can you say that you is not true?
- Who ordered to Vladimir in science? Why weeping mother (source 1b)?
Source 2
(A) K. Paustovskiy, A graduate of the First Kiev Gymnasium, beginning of 20 century.
"When we reached the square and Nicholas I saw through his yellow green building school, I cried. I probably realized that my childhood was over, now I must work and that my job be bitter and long and not be like those quiet days that I spent at home?
I stopped my mother prylynuv head and wept as strongly that the bags under my back and jumped postukuvav pencil case, if asking what happened to his little master. Mother withdrew from me cap and wipes her tears perfumed handkerchief.
– Stop, – she said. - You think me easy? But so necessary. Yes there is!
No words were not as long in my mind
with such force as the two words that my mother said: "It should be".
(B) Modern children's story.
On September new-made first- and returns home to. despairingly throws his backpack into a corner. "Why do not you warned that it is a travesty, even at 12! " – he shouted indignantly parents.
Let us consider:
- What is common in these sources?
- How do you think, why crying boy in the photo - Express your assumption?
- Are you aroused laughter 2c source? Why?
- Remember your first September 1 - describe their moods, feelings. Why do they remember?
Source 3
(A) Graffiti on the wall of St. Sophia
Reading: "Sandy wrote. Thanks be to go vyuchenykom or "Sandy wrote hodyvshy to Dyakiv disciple."
(B) Graffiti on the wall of St. Sophia
(C) the charter of Berestiany Novgorod -
"School book" boy Onfima
Probably written on birch bark and Kiev, but because of climate, this material could not survive here.
(D) writing tablet and wrote
Let us consider:
- That depicted on the wall of the cathedral by source 3b? As you think, for what?
- Could it be sand or Onfim? Explain your opinion.
- Such labels - graffiti - on walls Sofia has revealed 700. The authors - and princes, and monks, children and adults, and men and women. What this means?
- Relying on sources try to make a story about school in ancient Kiev - who taught and studied, for what purpose, why studied, how was the learning process?
- Compare your findings with the conclusions of the historian (expert)
Rozpytayemo expert
History of Culture of Ukraine.
After church Vladimir reform was needed in training and educating competent people to which were introduced to public schools. Chronicle announces the opening of schools in Kiev, Novgorod. ? The first school taught reading and then writing and counting. In elementary schools, elementary teaching was reading. Study began to study the alphabet, syllables and reading books on the Apostle and Psalms, which served as textbooks. A similar study on syllables confirmed by archaeological finds, including school boy exercises Onfima, found among Novgorod Berestiany credentials. Most pupils parochial elementary schools taught only to read, and further knowledge they (Priests, clerics) gained in their practice before the consecration.
? Is evidence? That in 1086 Anna (Janka) Vsevolodovna, becoming a nun monastery of St. Andrew in Kiev, founded by him to a school where girls were taught letters, singing, sewing and more.
In the initial schools, established at the initiative of the State, there were also private, individual, training. Him were mostly clerics in churches and perhaps monks monasteries, which could be school children. ? Gradual spread Literacy in Russia certified and inscriptions in various crafts, found in Ukraine. Worth: the inscription on the sword "Koval Lyudota "? On korchahah from Kyiv - Mstislav korchaha" "Blahodatnisha full korchaha siya?" But, of course, more massive material which indicates penetration of literacy in all spheres of life, those in everyday life, is Berestiany letters and inscriptions, graffiti, whose findings are nalichuyutsya hundreds.
After the Mongol-Tatar invasions education in Kiev declined. But this does not mean that it disappeared altogether. Schools as such was not, but get educated individual - in the same Dyakiv. Sure Education and the prevalence is much smaller. Could read and write only church ministers and top representatives of the city. Those who wanted real education had to overcome great difficulties. In XIV-XVIArt. the lists of many European universities found the names of Kiev. For example, at the Sorbonne (Paris) end XIVArt. among students has identified Theophilus Hvynerba from Kyiv Bachelor Herman Vilevych and two doctors - Benedict and John Servyn Tyszkiewicz. One can only imagine the way these people had to overcome!
But understanding life need for education makes Kiev burghers united in brotherhood, in 1615 establish a school. Accommodations for it gave Halshka Gulevychivna - known advocate of Orthodoxy. Residents of Kyiv and kept it at his own expense.
Source 4
(A) From the book "These school" - A kind of communal charter schools. Requirements for teachers. He had to be
"Pious, modest, not soon angry, not sramoslov not conjurer, smihun is not fabulist not committed heresy and piety are the manual, which is the image of the good of all. "
At the beginning of the XVII Art. in Ukraine, there were 30 communal schools.
(б) M. Kostomarov, famous historian XIXArt.
Us consider
- Why teach in a mass school? Why this?
- Why were these requirements to the teacher?
- What do you like in this study and what not. Why?
- What are the traditions of this school, we can see in school today?
In 1619 emerged in Kyiv another school - Lavra, founded Archimandrite of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Peter Grave. In 1632 held association of schools in Kyiv College, later Kyiv Mohyla Academy. It was studied Slavonic, Greek, Latin, Polish, Ukrainian language, rhetoric, philosophy, mathematics (arithmetic and geometry), astronomy, music, theology. By the way, very similar list subjects were in the famous Cambridge. Later, in late XVIII - beginning XIX century. the academy began to teach history and geography. First Academy status was assigned Hadiach Agreement 1658, in 1701, thanks to the insistence of Mazepa, Peter I confirmed level of Kiev-Mohyla Academy as the highest educational institution. There was 8 classes, duration of training - 12 years. In the academy there democratic system of election of teachers and directors. The Academy trained children all segments of society. Interestingly, knowledge of students evaluated in 7 levels: "good, peaceful, careful, neslabkoho, weak, thin, hopeless.
There was a time when the Academy studied up to 2 thousand students. Education was free, but to keep themselves had students of yourself.
Source 5
From the description visiting the Academy of the Russian throne heir Paul (Then-Emperor), his wife, 1797
"They met the teachers and students of. Seven young men take turns pronounced greeting in Russian, Polish, German, French, Greek, Hebrew. Rector of the Academy gave the visitors a high calligraphically written odes.
Let us consider:
- What conclusions can be drawn from this description of the level education that provided Scholar.
- Why do the disciples of the Academy behaved this way?
But nevertheless continued education remain a personal matter, while understanding the need to become common among the townspeople. Schools are not enough, because teaching took place at home in those who could afford it. Less wealthy traditionally gave children But thanks to science
Source 6
(A) teacher. Engraving 1843
(B) A. Makarov, Kyyevoznavets
"Forced to learn Church Slavonic alphabet: az, beeches, Vedas, saith? Then followed zazubryuvannya "composition" ... And I disgust and tears of all the zauchuvav gibberish. It took many months until I had finished with this nonsense and could have read, first by Church Slavonic alphabet, and then "civil" book.
Teacher received for his work as a general dinner table, and end of alphabet learning vlashtovuvavsya original children's feast. In the middle of the courtyard spread the grass line, called the student and peers were treated to all the delicious rice porridge with raisins.
Teachers received their porridge in a separate pot, at the bottom of he seem to have accidentally found copper and silver coins, which constituted his fee (generally not allowed to take money for charitable act).
Us consider
- What can you say about the teacher and the student? Which groups they belong to, what is taught as a process of learning?
- What's in this study are positive and which negative?
- Why is it so surprising was organized by teacher salaries.
Since the end XVIIIArt. the education takes to the state of his hands (Russian empire). Time and need of the state demanded large number of educated people. In each county and in major cities organized by county schools, and later - the gymnasium. In Kiev, First gymnasium was opened in 1811 Gymnasium was given a classical education and the introduction the university was only possible for their graduates. At the core of classical lay education study classical (Greek and Latin) and foreign languages. Also taught geography, history, natural science foundations. Mandatory subject was "God's Law." Interestingly, these lessons are specifically for Orthodox and separately for Catholics (Poles). In 1917 in Kiev, there were 38 schools - 10 state, 2 belonged to NGOs, others - private.
Kyiv-Funduklei female high school - the first female high school in Russian Empire.
Opened in 1860 Studied all the girls states. On opening day there were 40 pupils, among them - the daughter of Governor-General Vasilchikov. He gave his daughter here for example. Already in 1866 in studied, 525 school pupils.
The train had taken the girls aged 9 to 13 years. Full course was six years but was still a preparatory class for entering nepysemnymy completely. Taught God's Law, Russian literature, history, geography, natural science, arithmetic, French, German and Polish language painting, needlework, music, singing and dancing.
Training at school had to pay - 25 rub. At first, but needy rid of cash contributions.
In 1910, the year celebrated 50 years of teaching institution, it was estimated that the total number himnazystok-funduklyeyevok by this period reached 33 thousand.
In the school studied great Russian poet Anna Akhmatova, although it should be noted that his high school she did not love.
Source 7
(A) in the women's gymnasium
(B) Silver Medal
Silver Medal, which awarded pupil high schools, which took care of Maria Feodorovna - They were called mariyiyinskymy. According to the official rules of this medal awarded "for blahonrav'ya and advances in science"
Let us consider:
- The women's program differed from men's schools? Why?
- Why do girls rewarding achievements in science graduates put in second place?
Pavel Galagan College. The most famous among private schools of Kyiv. Opened in 1871 It was founded and maintained their own funds known Ukrainian leader GPGalagan - in honor of his only son Paul, who suddenly died at age 15 years.
"Encumbered grief, the night death of her son, sitting beside the bed dead, with horrific vidshukuyuchy output position Parental abandonment, Gregory P. decided that his son has continue to live in and close to their loved ones "- wrote in Nechiporenko I. "Report on the state board Pavel Galagan" (K., 1889)
Under the Charter,
1) purpose of the panel - "prepare young people to university;
2) "should be taken with young low abundance of different groups and natives of different places in Russia, but only Orthodox religion;
As noted in the report for 25 years, "board has an opportunity to get education almost one hundred and fifty children of poor parents, their validity ozbroyila means to deal with hardships and augmented by our poor intellectuals. Gregory P. Galagan is perfectly understood. He always remembered his offspring. Annually, April 27, the day of death of Paul, he attended and solemn act of prayer in the house church. Ill, Gregory P. left the covenant, which affirmed the right college material. Popechytelkoyu he appointed his wife Katherine Vasylivna Kochubey-Galagan (1826-1896).
Paul and Gregory Galagan
Pavel Galagan College
Source 8
(A) A memoir Viktor ShulginKnown Kyiv publisher and public figure about parting with the nobility Governor-General D. Bibikov, who received a new office in St. Petersburg.
In the big hall were gathered all students of the Kyiv gymnasiums. Entered the governor-general? BillPanel team disciples: "lie down, get up, sleep, snore, sit down. " When these orders obediently as one person was completed, the governor-general appealed to the leaders of the nobility: "See, That means humility, and this is how I teach your children. Are you satisfied? "And all weight sewn noble uniform low silently worshiping? "
(B) A memoir VM Hyzhnyakova
Cutting, in general, while not considered a disgrace in the eyes of school students. In our class were "old men" who never learned the lessons received daily unit? and the shekel which almost every Saturday. Thus their mouth is zryvalosya nor crying, and they returned to class with a triumphant appearance. We small, they were afraid and watched them with reverence, as heroes. "
Engraving - Sabbatarian in the gymnasium (1858)
Sabbatarian - The language of high-school students and local school (Until mid 19 century - collective flogging students for misconduct committed during the week.
(C) A memoir K. Paustovs'kogo
"The guards were supposed to monitor the behavior of high-school students and report to the inspector of their various wines. Under this penalty occurred - leaving an hour or two "no lunch" (ie, tomlyve seat empty classroom after lessons), four for the behavior and, finally, parents to call the director. We are most afraid of this last sentence.
In high school there were other punishment: temporary exclusion from school, exclusion from the right to further education and worst - the exclusion of a "wolf ticket", with no right of entry then a secondary school.
Us consider
- What was the main goal of learning Bibikov?
- Do you think it was a rule for all, or only initiative of individual officials?
- Why were used corporal punishment even for the nobility? As it is related to learning?
- How have penalties? As you think, why? Which ones were more effective? Justify.
General rules of grammar schools were quite severe, and the training quite difficult. In compliance with the rules followed special supervisors - and not just within the walls of the gymnasium. Although every school institution had its own characteristics, but were common to all the rules. In particular, always required to wear uniform for high-school boys and high-school dress for girls - even on vacation. Mandatory attribute has been high-school cap with scrambled eggs, which number vkazuvavsya school or other special character - for example the first letter of the name. For these caps could always recognize where high-school student if he violated any customs. Students of different schools often gave various other nicknames, obihruyuchy these signs. For example, students first school called "pencils" - it looked like a pencil "unit" on their cockade.
Source 9
(A) taxonomy form the beginning XXArt.
(B) N. Nosov. Mystery at the bottom of the well.
"Name of the owner of our school was Stelmashenko because students from this school called stelmashenkovtsyamy, stelmashakovtsyamy or simply stelmashakamy. Form to us was the same as in other high-school students, ie: blue-gray tunic and trousers and blue cap, decorated cockade. In this badge was easy to distinguish from stelmashenkovtsya student of any other school. ? With this letter on your forehead as if we went branded, and often could be heard on the street in his address: "Ono stelmashaka coming! ". I do not know how else, and it seemed to me offensive.
(C) From the official instructions:
(D) A cartoon of the Kiev newspaper, beginning of 20 century.
(E) A memoir M. Poletiky, A graduate of the First Kiev Gymnasium 1914
"Final exams are always held in a festive atmosphere, hall. In the examination commission, except teachers, participated Representative school district, was often present director. Teachers and high-school students were in dress. All this suggested fear and forced tremble even knowledgeable and courageous.
Mathematics written and spoken, I received three for Russian fiction - four from Latin - four.
The most memorable Latin exam. To prepare for it We were provided two days. What did I do and how prepared these days, do not remember rather, did nothing and is not prepared. The exam began, as usual, at 9 am. Students called alphabetically. I went to a secondary garden uniform and took off with his companions, whose names were attributed to last letters of the alphabet, got a game of football. At two o'clock I went home to have dinner and returned to school about four hours. Exam continued without interruption, but my line was still far. I'm back from holidays took on football, this time with my friends, whose names were attributed to the beginning alphabet and had to take the exam in the morning. They were waiting for results, since the Commission announced after the end of the assessment exam. At 7 pm and the game was sutenity football had to stop.
Zbihavshy home dinner, I came back. And here late evening, probably at night, I met with VF Asmus, which met in the autumn the university. Asmus graduated from high school and wanted to enter the historical-philological faculty of the University. But in real school Latin is studied and he had to pass this subject earlier, the entire secondary course. Of course, he is very worried. On the severity Subbocha walk legends. I tried it, how could appease his new friend. Finally at midnight I was summoned for examination. Asmus as extern ekzamenuvavsya last, about three am. Then the announcement ratings: sleepy but happy we turned home, when the sun shone brightly? "
Us consider
- What was the form of high-school? Or you like it? Why it had to wear? What and why abused guy? Do you think this is relevant or insult?
- Why high-school students were so strict rules and outside the school?
- How do you think that gave it The result?
- What author wanted to show the cartoons (source 9g), something he laughs, criticizing?
- Compare the source 9g 9d. What are common?
- Why do your opinion, such examinations took place in a solemn atmosphere, and were so rigid?
- Do you think that it gave positive outcome?
Source 10
(а) A memoir M. Poletiky
"I read a lot about the king's high-school time? But I noted after Paustovs'kogo Bulgakov and that Kiev first gymnasium positively distinguished from the animal breeding with the police and barrack life? Kiev first gymnasium was conservative but not reactionary.
Led our school as well as other state gymnasium, as Generally, the monarchists (director, inspector), the teachers, too monarchical configured. But education and most importantly, education in our school, subject monarchical forms of appearance and was? progressive and liberal. Us tried to educate people. Respect for human dignity was seen even in that high-school students to the preparatory class turned to "you", "you" was said only if friendly familiarity and affection. Official address We had to "gentlemen gymnasium.
It should be noted that issues Gymnasium period 1910-1917 years almost completely burned in the flames of the First World and the Civil War. From my class registration in 1914, which was 32-33 students (second branch) to the World War II remained alive only four men.
The composition of students was mixed: Children local nobility, landlords and officials, who occupied a rather large, but not the highest office in Kiev administration and court raznochintsev children - mostly lawyers, doctors, teachers and others.
According to its national composition of our school students were in majority Russians. Teaching was conducted in Russian. Attempts by some students speak the Ukrainian language in school gymnasium quickly stopped leadership. Ukrainian language was declared the common language, not intelligentsia. "
(B) A memoir K. Paustovs'kogo
"Who could know that go out from us," high-school masters? What will ... with the lads in the burnt caps, which are always ready for all sorts of tricks, ridicule and controversy? What, for example, come from Bulgakov? No one could know.
? Almost at the same time with me in school vchylosya few youths which were then known writers, actors and playwrights.
Was it accidental that the gymnasium for a short time raised so many people involved in art and literature? I think not.
It was not, of course, coincidence.
We forget about the teachers who inspired us to love our culture, of the great theaters of Kyiv, on the general philosophy and our admiration for poetry?
We are forgetting the famous library at Idzykovskoho Khreshchatyk, the symphony concerts, gardens of Kiev, the shining and crunchy on Kiev autumn leaves, that grand and noble Latin accompanied us for high-school years. Forget about the Sky, soft misty winter rich and gentle Ukraine, its surrounding city ring buckwheat fields straw roofs and apiaries.
It is difficult to capture the impact of these things, different and sometimes distant from each other, in our youthful minds. But he was. He has special poetic order our thoughts and feelings.
(C) Speech at graduation Dinner Latin teacher V. Subocha(Per Paustovs'kogo)
"In fourth grade I have only suffered. I started in the fifth you bring up, though there was little chance of you do real people. In the sixth class I with you potovaryshuvav. In the seventh I have loved you, and I even in the eighth began to be proud of you. I am unhappy father. I have too many children, not less forty people. In addition, every few years, my children are changing. Some go others come. Hence the conclusion - for my fate does the forty times more upset than the fate of ordinary parents. And forty times more fuss. So I perhaps not always been equally attentive to all. I am sad to part with you. I tried to make of you good people. You in turn made sense my life. I molodshav with you. I probachayu from now and forever your all stupid antics and even fights with the first unit. Probachayu all. This no of course, no generosity. But I urge you to goodness. Heine said that the earth is no more stupid than people. He certainly exaggerated. But it still does that mean? This means that every day we meet people whose existence is not nor they nor any others with joy and benefits. Afraid to be in vain. Whether you have in mind wise counsel: "Not a single day without the written terms. Work! What is talent? Threefold and four times the work. Love your work, that you will always regret it part. Good luck! In adversity remember the tutors that gray hairs in fights with you!
We rushed to him and he roztsiluvavsya with each of us. "
Us consider
- What is common and that is different in memories Poletiky M. and K. Paustovs'kogo?
- As they relate to your school?
- The K. Paustovskiy explains that since the First High School left many artists? Or you agree with him?
- What role plays in human life school?
- What advice gave the teacher? As you think it was a good teacher?
- Make a conclusion that distinguishes this particular high school from others?
Kiev legend
М.Poletika recalls that his class most students were killed during the first world and civil wars. World began in 1914 and many former high-school students find themselves in this war - in most cases, junior officers. A junior officers to All wars are dying the most. And then, in the 1918-1921 biennium, another war. Worst - civil. That war within one country between supporters different ideas and ways of building state. Such war at all times and in all countries were the cruelest. Former classmates and often found themselves in different camps and shot each other. Young, ardent, inexperienced - and they died first.
Has long been a legendary name of a small railway station abruptly - to the north-east of Kyiv. Here in January 1918 unequal battle took a small unit of volunteers from Kiev youth - in majority of former and actual or at the time high-school students. They voluntarily went defend their city, a young Ukrainian government and the state that was born from Bolshevik troops that were advancing on Kyiv and threatened him and killing pogroms. These guys are aware, perhaps, that the prevailing forces of the enemy and chances of winning are not available. But they were willing to give their lives for their city, their home? Such that they were unfortunately very little time. Many of them died. A feat the young man became a legend. Now the battle that was built Memorial Museum was arranged. Every year on the day of the battle held in mourning meetings, often involving senior state officials. Ukraine, Kyiv remembered.
Source 11
(A) Old kievlyanin (podolyanyn) Petr Novikov.
"? 3poverhovyy look at building at the corner of the square Kontractova of Protection and the street. It - 3 rooms Kiev Gymnasium. ? A Years 1916-17 there was a hospital for the wounded. Students enrolled in the second shift in home high school at St. Michael's Square. In 1919-20 he was High School returned "home", having had time to pereymenuvatys unified labor school number 20.
On a full training in those dark years had to think not. We had to learn a little bit. But the faculty was strong. I remember math Hooke, physics Agarkova, French teacher Filimonuvu. The conditions were difficult. In classrooms built "stove", were appointed the next, which should arrive early and heat the oven. ? Since 1920, when the study was mixed, and started taking the girls to soften the atmosphere was.
(B) New Tutorial - Ukrainian alphabet
(C) Statistical Information
According to statistical information 1923 in Kyiv 98 migrant schools, 25 - Ukrainian, 68 Russian, one mixed. As of 1928 the figures are reversed. There were also 4 Jewish, 1 Polish, 1 Czech, 1 Tatar school
Us consider
- What changes have occurred with the school for 1916 - Early 20-ies XXArt.?
- Compare the source with memories 11b M. Poletyka. What is fundamentally new in this tutorial? Why this was possible?
- Analyze statistics (source 1911 c). What processes in the life of the country and city it represents?
In the 1917-18 biennium, when Ukrainian state emerged, first appeared and state school Ukrainian language. Transfer to the Ukrainian education was not easy - not enough teachers, not textbooks, manuals. Although the Ukrainian government were in a very difficult position and fought for survival, were the forces and means to education.
In 20-ies. Bolshevik governments could no longer disoblige Ukrainian, so schooling Ukrainian language was introduced - most schools in Kiev were Ukrainian. School was the only - was renovated by the same training programs, and those among most textbooks. Another important change - education became available and even mandatory for all ceasing to be the privilege of the wealthy. The city is required was first starting, and then the seven-year education.
In the 30's started attack on the Ukrainian school - their number is declining in favor of Russia. But the number of Ukrainian schools even in tough times has been less than a quarter of the total number of schools in the city.
Source 12
Valentin in the face. With memories 2003
"Autumn of 1942, far from our house on the street Benelux 102 school opened. I went to 4 th grade, who was leaving and last. German authorities believed that the oppressed Ukrainian people quite four-enough education. ? In arithmetic we learned the history of Ukraine written dictation Ukrainian? There were also music lessons? Several times we led the school to the park to collect KPI? chestnuts. As it turned out, their peremelyuvaly to add to flour and other impurities, including baked ersatz bread.
Let us consider:
- For what purpose occupiers (invaders) opened a school for Kiev?
- Why and what should have been teach this school?
Source 13
A memoir D. Malakov
"After the liberation of Kyiv from German occupation here again opened secondary school № 24. But only for boys. By the autumn of 1954 studies were separate. Classes are held in two shifts, and when classes were given all facilities, including the former Dwelling inspector. Recreational and sports hall and served as an assembly. Along the perimeter chairs stood in the corner - the parallel bars, horse for jumping, and south wall - Swedish wall "
September 1, 1945 student of the first class school Number 24 was the author of these strochok. Many seniors then went one-two the front medals - overtook science, interrupted by war. Director of school and then all the years my training was Evdokimovich Dmitry Stetsenko - former guerrilla commander, intelligent and educated teacher. Taught interesting personality, the real teachers, good memory of them remained for life.
Our school was considered exemplary. Externally it looked like allowing students to junior and middle classes wear bangs when other male schools shearing under "zero". A disciplinary trespass bangs zistryhaly. We perform this procedure assistant manager Buber.
At a time when the first post he held in Ukraine NS Khrushchev, his son Sergei was in our school. His estate brought here from the black American car "Lincoln Zephyr, which stopped at the corner, and then Sergei walked. The driver waited until the end of lessons. School number 24 existed in this house until 1970 when moved to new premises in Sources - under the same number.
Walking past the old home of his school - architectural monument, which now contains Kyiv Interregional Institute improving teacher named Boris Hrinchenko every time I recall classmates, teachers and other memorable episodes of the old days. "
Us consider
- in which conditions had study author? Why?
- Why does the author remember so well their education?
Source 14
Posters 50-70's 20 cent.
Let us consider:
- as called for posters? Who they are addressed?
- As seen such posters today's students?
- Can I say that now they irrelevant? Justify.
Source 15
(A) M. Kalnytskyy, School, 70's Twentieth century. "For boys sewed standard school suit, but we went in and jumpers, and in sports jacket. In the warmer months just trying to keep the principle of light top, dark bottom. And for many girls remain relevant form of apron, which reached an inheritance or not of high-school times. In shops sold standard black and white (for holidays) aprons, so caring mother sewn on to them a variety of laces, and were considered particularly chic sewn on order lace aprons. Wear pants, especially jeans, them certainly not allowed. But of course, not uniform blouses and skirts supposed. But in pockets of the schoolchildren can be found at all "neformeni" things: from ancient coins to rohatok or radio devices. "Extreme" might draw from his pocket and water gun pour over it a stream of classmates. But teachers such weapons were taken irrevocably and called parents. The girls, of course, with his vozylosya dolls under desks. And bring something edible: nuts, Karamel'ki, softened from the warm chocolate. Finally, chewing gum ("zhuvachku"), which in those days was a great value for boys. While only just began to enter the life of calculators. They were very rare, their lords considered lucky. |
(A) Mr Davydenko, Fifth student class, 2008 "By the school year, my mom already bought school uniforms - dark green jacket, trousers and waistcoats. But I would mobile phone and MP3 player - in the class they are in everyone. We share songs, pictures and watch videos, take pictures at intervals listen to music. Be sure that you want a pocket flashlight - suddenly at school porch light or unplugged? .. I always carry a stick with it, sometimes even the teacher uses. Recently learned to ride on rollers, that their grandmother gave me. Now put them in physical education lessons. And yet have to be rubber bracelets on his hands, big headphones and stickers with "Shrek".
(B) Students 70's |
(B) Current students |
(C) Current caricature
Let us consider:
- What is common and that is different in lives of students in the 70 years and today?
- What do you like and what is not - then and now?
- Why cartoonist depicted a modern school this way? Do you agree with him?
- And what you see in school future?
1. Rozpytayte their fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers about their school years:
- When and where they taught?
- What subjects studied?
- Do remember your teachers?
- What subjects were favorite and why, that it took in life?
- Do remember your friends?
2. Make a "school record" of your family.
3. Try to compare stories with their elders knowledge of the current school: what remains and what has changed? Why?